Hydrogen Production
Opportunities & Applications
•Existing Markets:
Hydrogen for Oil Refineries
Green Hydrogen for Fertilizers
•Emerging Markets:
Energy storage systems for wind & solar
Surplus Electrical Energy Storage
Hydrogen vehicle fuelling stations
Fuel for Cars, Trains and Boats
Existing Markets
9 Million Tons Produced Annually in US
95% Produced by Steam Reforming of Natural Gas that produces large quantities of greenhouse gas
48% to Oil Refineries
48% to Ammonia Producers for use in fertilizers
2% Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils – Margarine & Crisco
1% Metallurgy to Extract Metals from Ore- Prime Example is Tungsten
Emerging Markets
Storage of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources
Supplied Electricity is Ideal for Our Technology of Electrolysis
Fuel source for Cars, Boats and Trains
Heating fuel for Homes and Businesses